Heatstroke in pets

Heat Stroke in Pets

Hi Everyone! One of the biggest interests of mine is providing education to pet parents to help theirs pets stay away from the vet!

I know that the hot season has died down, but check out this article I wrote on heat stroke, one of the most heart breaking emergencies I see.

Heat stroke is a killer. But yet a completely preventable condition. In the midst of the summer heatwaves, countless animals are flooding into veterinary hospitals with temperatures of 105 degrees and above, or even deceased on arrival.

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Obesity in Companion Animals

Pet obesity is no joke. The 2018 survey by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention indicated that 55.8% of dogs and 59.5% of cats were overweight or obese. This totals 50.2 million dogs and 56.5 million cats (2017) in the United States with increased weight and decreased life span.

A 14-year lifespan study on dogs conducted by the nutritionists with Purina Institute concluded that when fed a restricted-fed diet (measured diet) over a free feeding diet (non-measured diet), the median life span increased by 15%, an average of 1.8 years. Additionally, there was more time before the onset of signs related to chronic and age-related diseases with lean-fed dogs.

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